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Portuguese as a Foreign Language

What the PLE certification is?

Portuguese Language Poficiency is certified by the Portuguese as a Foreign Language Assessment Centre (CAPLE), a division of Lisbon University’s Faculty of Letters. With scientific autonomy, this centre is developing its activities in the areas of assessing the proficiency of Portuguese as a foreign language (PLE) and the training and research connected to it, which is authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Camões Institute, I.P. and by the Ministry of Education through the Directorate-General for Education.

CAPLE’s PLE exams are strictly for foreigners and recognised by a variety of national and overseas institutions for people looking to study, pursue an academic career, work and obtain Portuguese nationality, etc.


The six CAPLE exams assess competence in Portuguese as a foreign language on six levels (A1 to C2) in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), regardless of their reasons for learning the language and the place where they are studying. Candidates can apply at over one hundred study centres around the world, which are managed by the respective co-ordinators.

Please visit the CAPLE website at for more information about the exams and where to take them.

* The school certifications are intended for young people aged between 12 and 15 years.

Useful information

For the exam you have to bring:

- your original ID (or passport)

- a pencil

- a rubber

- a pen


Examens officiels; Examen portugais; Certification portugais; Diplôme portugais; Parler portugais ; cours de portugais Toulouse; centre de formation portugais Toulouse ; Centre d'examen portugais Toulouse ; Apprendre le portugais Toulouse
  • Candidates can apply to only one PLE Exam per period.


  • Candidates must, on the Exam day :

- come with the original identification document used throughout the enrolment (ID, Passport, or residence visa);

- come at least 20 minutes before the beginning of the Exam (see time indicated), in front of the indicated room (in case of exceptional situations it can be asked to the candidate to earlier)

  • Candidates who, on the Exam day,

- arrive more than 15 minutes late at the Reading Comprehension and Written Expression test won’t be accepted for the test;
- do not arrive on time for the beginningof the Oral Comprehension test won’t be able to do it

- do not arrive on time for the beginning of the Oral Expression test or don’t come at the exam can request to the LAPE to agree on a new time slot, the lateness or non-attendance being duly justified;

- are absent for reasons don’t imputable to them, at all the tests of the exam, can in a maximum limit of five working days from the following day of the exam, request the transfer of the application for the next Exam period in the same LAPE. In this case, they will have to present a written request to the CAPLE and send it to the LAPE, with a document justifying the reason of the absence.

  • The transfer of an exam to the next period which has been mentioned, can only be done twice and willimply the payment of a tax corresponding to 20% of the registration fee value.

  • Throughout the exam, candidates can only exit the room in case of force majeure and with the supervisor permission.

  • Candidates must stay in the room until the end of the exam, in accordance with the time indicated.

  • During the exam, is forbidden the use of:

- mobile phone, laptop or any personal electronic device

- dictionaries, books or personal notebooks

- correction fluid or eraser pen

  • For the exam

- the draft sheets must be provided by the LAPE 

- candidates must answer to the questions of the Written Expression on the sheets provided for this purpose by the CAPLE and will use a blue or black pen, the answers submitted on the draft sheets or written with the pencil not being considered.

- candidates can use a pencil and a rubber for the Reading Comprehension and Oral Comprehension tests.


  • Candidates are not allowed to make appear their identification on any test’s sheets. It implies the cancellation of the Exam. Each time an exercise implies the use of identification data, candidates have to be informed that they cannot use their own personal data.  

  • The candidate will see his exam cancelled as well for the next reasons:

- Lateness (see above).
- Non-attendanceto one of the parts of the exams, excepted in case of mentioned situation (see 3 (iii)-(iv), above)

- If he does not deliver his answer and wording sheets at the supervisor or the examinator.

- If he has a deviant behaviour

> use of mobile phone, computer or any personal electonic device

> use of dictionaries, books or personal notebooks

> use of correction fluid or eraser pen

> copy of another candidate’s test, let visible his test sheet for another candidate to copy  or any other exchange of information about the test with another candidate.

> disturbance of the order in the Exam local and/or of the good execution of the Exam.
> disrespectful behaviour to the LAPE responsable, examinators, supervisors or other candidates.

  • The deviant behaviour mentioned will be objected to only one call to order. If the candidate persists in this behaviour, he will be informed of the cancellation of his test by the CAPLE, on the basis of a report on the fact, done by the LAPE responsible. There is not any possibility to appeal the CAPLE decision, the latter being communicated to the involved candidate, by e-mail

  • The deviant behaviour mentioned will involve the prohibition of the candidate to keep doing the test and he will have to immediately exit the local. If the wording, the answer and draft sheets have been provided to him, he will have to leave them on the local of the exam. On the basis of a report on the fact, done by the LAPE responsible, the CAPLE will notice the candidate of the cancellation of his exam, by e-mail.

  • The results of the final exams will be published on the CAPLE web page. If they want to, the candidates can ask to the CAPLE, by means of the LAPE, the verification of the final result disclosed. This request can be done until 5 working days following the results publication and the answer, communicated until 5 working days following the request reception and for which no appeal is possible, is transferred to the LAPE and to the candidate. The new control on the final result is an intern process depending on the CAPLE : the answer to the candidates are owned by the CAPLE and will not be  sent neither to the candidate neither to the LAPE. The CAPLE do not give any detailed information about the quality of the candidates’ performances.

  • PLE’s certificates and degrees are sent to the LAPE until 20 working days following the final results publication. The holders of these certificates or degrees or their representatives, allowed in writing for this effect, will have to contact the LAPE to get back the aforementioned documents. They will have to sign a reception declaration.

  • In case of loss of a Certificate or a Degree, following the delivery, the holder can ask a 2nd copy, for payment of a tax of 25€. No duplicate of certificates or degrees is sent, except the original has been deteriorated during the sending process or if it contains a technical problem which depends on the CAPLE responsibility. In this case, the original will be delivered to the CAPLE, by means of the LAPE, and the CAPLE will send a new Certificate or Degree. This process is only available for the 2 years following the exams realization.

How to enrol?

IMPORTANT: Candidates must enrol at least 21 days before the exam.

  1. Select your level on the FLUL web site

  2. Select the country where you want to pass the exam

  3. Select the Local (LAPE)

  4. Select the period

  5. Fill in the enrolment application

  6. Pay the registration fees (by banktransfer)

  The possible resulting bank charges will be assumed by you.

  7. Send a proof of payment to the LAPE


 9 et 9 bis rue du pont Saint-Pierre 31300 TOULOUSE

Written test: from 9:00 am

Oral test: from 2:00 pm

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