Professional Training
You are an employee… Did you know you can have your company cover the costs of your training?
The Droit Individuel à la Formation (Individual Rights to Training) has the aim of allowing every employee to follow 20h of training per year, which can be cumulated over six years to total 120h. It is up to the employee to decide whether to use these hours or not but in order for the DIF to cover the costs, the employer must approve of the training. The training takes place hooutside of office hours, unless it is specified otherwise; it is covered by public funds under specific arrangements.
For more information, contact us and your employer.
According to your needs, various modules are offered by the Institute to allow you to rapidly acquire the essential notions of the language that you need.
The available modules:
Business Portuguese: arm yourself with the competences needed to master Portuguese in a professional context.
Brazilian Portuguese: adopt the notions of Brazilian expressions you need for business or private travels.
And many others
For more information on these customizable modules, contact us.